Geberit Verwaltungs AG Приложения

KOŁO 1.2.1
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Aplikacja Koło umożliwia dostęp do pełnej bazywszystkich produktów firmy Koło. Bogata baza produktowa to niejedyna zaleta aplikacji: w łatwy sposób można sprawdzić gdzie wnajbliższym miejscu obok Ciebie nasze produkty są dostępne. Oprócztego znajdziesz tam nasz Katalog produktów i Cennik.Główne cechy:- Szybki i łatwy dostęp do bazy produktowej- Kompletna baza zdjęć produktowych- Rysunki techniczne- Poradnikowe filmy video- Pełna lista dystrybutorów- Cennik i KatalogAplikacja jest specjalnie dedykowana dla instalatorów ale równieżjest cennym źródłem informacji dla Klienta końcowego.
Porsgrund Katalog 1.0.1
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Bygger du nytt bad eller pusser opp det gamle?Skal du bare gjøre noen små forbedringer eller leter du kanskjeetter inspirasjon?Denne gratisappen gir deg de ferskeste katalogene fra Porsgrund enspesialutgave som er skreddersydd for tablett.Få inspirasjon og informasjon ved å se på våre nyeste produkter ogta del av et enda bredere og interaktivt innhold.Hovedfunksjoner:Skreddersydd for tablett for å gi den den bestebrukeropplevelsenEksklusivt innhold: se alt materialet som vi ikke fikk plass til iden trykte versjonenForbedret utgave: større bilder og interaktivt innholdAlltid oppdatert: få beskjed når en ny katalog er på veiLes offline: du behøver ikke være koblet til interett for å se vårebrosjyrer og katalogerPorsgrund gjør det mulig å skape et inspirerende, trygt ogpersonlig baderom med smarte og fleksible løsninger basert påmoderne, nordisk design.Build a new bathroom orrenovating the old one? Should you just make some smallimprovements or are you perhaps looking for inspiration?This free app provides the freshest directories from Porsgrund aspecial edition tailored for tablet.Get inspiration and information by looking at our latest productsand take part of an even broader and interactive content.Key Features:Tailored for tablet to give it the best user experienceExclusive content: see all the material that we did not fit in theprint versionImproved version: larger images and interactive contentAlways up to date: Get notified when a new catalog is on thewayRead offline: you need not be connected to inte right to see ourbrochures and catalogsPorsgrund makes it possible to create an inspiring, safe andprivate bathroom with smart and flexible solutions based on modernScandinavian design.
Allia Catalogue 1.0.3
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Au fil des pages de ce catalogue CollectionsAllia 2016, émotion, innovation, fonctionnalité et esthétisme seconjuguent harmonieusement pour concevoir et aménager votrenouvelle salle de bains: mariage de styles, tons naturels decouleurs vives et contrastées, ambiances feutrées ou baroques, lescollections ALLIA se distinguent par leur expression esthétiquemais aussi par le choix des matériaux.Si le catalogue papier vous donne accès à de nombreux produits etcollections, l’interface intuitive de l’application vous permettrad’accéder à des contenus complémentaires, interactifs, permettantde prolonger votre voyage dans l’univers ALLIA : vidéo, zoomproduits, photos additionnelles, …Adapté aux professionnels – installateurs, architectes, designers –comme aux particuliers, ce catalogue interactif peut aussi bienêtre utilisé par des personnes en quête d’inspiration, que par despersonnes à la recherche de produits d’exceptions.Cette application vous permettra de télécharger et d’avoir à jourla dernière version du catalogue Collections ALLIA 2016.Allia est une société française spécialisée dans les équipements desalles de bains, leader sur son marché.En céramique, matériau naturel et extrêmement durable, et matériauxde synthèse exclusifs (Marbrex® et Varicor® sont brevetés), Alliadéveloppe depuis plus de 100 ans son savoir-faire dans lafabrication de produits de qualité conjuguant noblesse desmatériaux, fonctionnalité et esthétique.Proposant ainsi des collections de lavabos, vasques, wc, bidets,baignoires et receveurs, Allia développe son activité en meubles etbâti-supports pour apporter des solutions complètes à l’aménagementde votre salle de bains.Venez également découvrir nos salles de bains dans notre EspaceConseil parisien au 44 rue Berger 75001 Paris, et prenezrendez-vous avec notre architecte d'intérieur pour un conseilpersonnalisé au 01 45 08 83 57.Throughout the pages ofthis catalog Collections Allia 2016, emotion, innovation,functionality and aesthetics combine harmoniously to design andbuild your new bathroom: Style wedding, earthy tones of bright,contrasting colors, felted or baroque atmosphere, collections ALLIAare distinguished by their aesthetic expression but also by thechoice of materials.If the paper catalog provides access to many products andcollections, the intuitive interface of the application will allowyou to access additional content, interactive, to extend your tripin the universe ALLIA video, zoom products, additional photos,...Suitable for professionals - installers, architects and designers -as individuals, this interactive catalog can also be used by peoplein search of inspiration, by people in search of exceptionalproducts.This application will allow you to download and having to updatethe latest version of the catalog Collections ALLIA 2016.Allia is a French company specializing in bathroom equipment marketleader.Ceramic, natural and extremely durable, and exclusive syntheticmaterials (Marbrex® and Varicor® are patented), Allia developingfor over 100 years expertise in manufacturing quality productscombining noble materials, functionality and aesthetics .thus offering collections sinks, basins, toilets, bidets, bathtubsand shower trays, Allia developing its business in furniture andbuilt-holders to bring complete solutions to the layout of yourbathroom.Come and discover our bathrooms in our Parisian Space Council at 44rue Berger 75001 Paris, and make an appointment with our interiordesigner to get personalized advice 01 45 08 83 57.
Allia 1.2.2
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Allia is a French leader in the ceramic andsynthetic bathroom equipment products.Allia provides bathroom solutions and specializes in ceramics.It belongs to the European Group, a leader in this sector.In order to facilitate access to the information, Allia offers afree application.Access the Allia expertise 24h/24h wherever you want. Theapplication includes:- Take advantage of Allia know-how- Pictures of the products- Fact sheets- Facilities records- Catalogues- New products updates- List of distributors and show roomsIntuitive touch navigation makes the use of the applicationcomfortable thanks to the page adapted to the smartphone screen. Inthis way you can search for a product via browser or productpage.Both the browser and the product page will allow you to quicklyfind the information on our productsThis application is free and is always available.
IDO Badrumskatalogen 1.0.2
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Bygger eller renoverar du ett badrum? IDOKatalogen är full av lösningar for ditt nya badrum.Planerar du bara smärre förbättringar och är ute efterinspiration?Med denna gratisapp får du de senaste katalogerna från IDO direkt idin tablett, i specialutgåvor skräddarsydda för just tablett, medförbättrat och interaktivt innehåll.Få inspiration och information genom att bläddra igenom vårasenaste produkter.Huvudfunktioner:- Skräddarsytt för för att ge dig en optimalanvändarupplevelse.- Exklusivt innehåll: se allt material som inte fick plats i detryckta utgåvorna.- Förbättrade utgåvor: större bilder och interaktivtinnehåll.- Alltid uppdaterad: få meddelande när en ny katalog harpublicerats.- Offline-läsning: du behöver ingen internetanslutning för att läsavåra katalogerIDOs historia går tillbaka till 1930-talet i Stockholm och vi ärstolta över vår historia och våra traditioner.IDOs marknadsföringsområde utgörs idag av de nordiska ländernaSverige, Norge, Finland, samt de baltiska länderna ochRyssland.Building or renovatingyour bathroom? IDO catalog is full of solutions for your newbathroom.Are you planning only minor improvements and is looking forinspiration?With this free app, you get the latest catalogs from the IDOdirectly in your tablet, in special editions tailored to tablet,with enhanced and interactive content.Get inspiration and information by browsing through our latestproducts. Main Features:- Tailored to give you an optimal user experience.- Exclusive content: see all the material that did not fit in theprinted editions.- Enhanced Edition: larger images and interactive content.- Always updated: get notified when a new catalog ispublished.- Offline reading: you do not need internet connection to read ourcatalogsIDOS history dates back to the 1930s in Stockholm and we areproud of our history and our traditions.IDOS marketing area currently consists of the Nordic countries ofSweden, Norway, Finland and the Baltic countries and Russia.
Geberit AquaClean ServiceApp 1.2.3
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
The Geberit AquaClean ServiceApp enablesservice technicians to read out reports on site from the electroniccontrol of the Geberit AquaClean Mera shower toilet. The reportsallow service technicians to come to conclusions about the sourceof a fault and assist them when performing maintenance work.Software updates can also be installed using the ServiceApp. Datais exchanged between the smartphone and the electronics of theshower toilet wirelessly via a Bluetooth connection.Note: The range of functions of the Geberit AquaClean ServiceApp isavailable exclusively to service technicians who have been trainedby Geberit. Login details provided by Geberit are required in orderto use the app.
Katalog Koło 1.0.4
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Urządzasz bądź remontujesz łazienkę? Szukaszciekawych inspiracji lub pomysłów na jej wnętrze?Wszystko to wraz z informacjami o produktach Koło i Keramagznajdziesz w naszym nowym, interaktywnym katalogu. Katalog jest bezpłatną aplikacją dedykowaną na tablety.Jej użytkownicy mają dostęp do interaktywnych materiałów, zdjęćoraz filmów z poradami dotyczącymi montażu produktów oraz aranżacjiprzestrzeni. Katalog działa offline - wystarczy, że ściągniesz go jednokrotniena swoje urządzenie.Device or renovating yourbathroom? You are looking for an inspiration or ideas for theinterior?All this, along with product information, Wheel and Keramag youwill find in our new, interactive directory.The directory is a free application dedicated to tablets.Its users have access to interactive content, photos and videoswith tips for product assembly and arrangement of space.Product works offline - just that once you download it to yourdevice.
Pozzi-Ginori 1.0.1
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
In cerca di ispirazione per un nuovo bagno? Ilcatalogo Pozzi-Ginori è ricco di soluzioni e idee per arredare iltuo bagno.Sfoglia i contenuti interattivi e lasciati ispirare dai nostriprodotti in questa app gratuita che porta direttamente nelle tuemani un’edizione esclusiva del nostro catalogo generale.Caratteristiche principali:•Pensata esclusivamente per iPad e basata sullo piattaforma AdobeDigital Publishing Suite, uno standard nell’editoria pertable•Contenuti esclusivi•Video, fotografie a tutto schermo e contenuti interattivi•Sempre aggiornata: verrai notificato automaticamente a ogni nuovaedizione•Offline: non necessita di una connessione internet una voltascaricataLa storia di Pozzi-Ginori è la storia stessa della porcellana dabagno italiana. Il lungo percorso evolutivo di questo marchiostorico ha accompagnato l’evolversi del costume igienico, dellacultura dell’abitare e del gusto estetico non solo d’Italia. OggiPozzi-Ginori distribuisce ceramica da bagno ma anche mobili,complementi e chiusure doccia.Looking for inspirationfor a new bathroom? Pozzi-Ginori catalog is packed with solutionsand ideas to decorate your bathroom.Browse the interactive content and be inspired by our productsin this free app that takes you directly into your hands anexclusive edition of our general catalog.Main features:• Designed exclusively for iPad and based on the platform AdobeDigital Publishing Suite, a standard in publishing for table• Exclusive content• Videos, photos full screen and interactive content• Always up to date: you will be notified automatically at each newedition• Offline: it does not require an internet connection oncedownloadedThe history of Pozzi-Ginori is the very history of Italianbathroom ceramics. The long evolution of this historic brand hasaccompanied the evolution of the costume hygiene, culture of livingand taste not only in Italy. Today Pozzi-Ginori distributes ceramicbath but also furniture, and shower enclosures.
Ifö 1.0.2
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Opbygning eller renovere et badeværelse? Ellerbare planlægger at gøre små forbedringer og leder efterinspiration?Dette gratis program giver direkte på din tablet de nyestebrochurer og kataloger fra Ifö.Få inspiration og information ved at gennemse vores nyesteprodukter med forbedret og interaktivt indhold. Hovedtræk:• Eksklusiv indhold: se alt det materiale, der ikke passer ind i detrykte udgaver• Forbedrede udgaver: Større billeder og interaktivt indhold• Altid opdateret: få besked, når et nyt katalog udkommer• Offline læsning: du behøver ikke at være forbundet for at sevores brochurer og kataloger*****Kontakt os på tablets@sanitec.comBuilding or renovating abathroom? Or just plan to make small improvements and looking forinspiration?This free program gives directly on your tablet the latestbrochures and catalogs from Ifö.Get inspiration and information by browsing our newest productswith enhanced and interactive content.Main features:• Exclusive content: see all the material that does not fit intothe printed editions• Improved versions: Larger images and interactive content• Always updated: get notified when a new catalog ispublished• Offline reading: you do not need to join to see our brochures andcatalogs*****Contact us at
The Twyford Collection 1.0.2
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Building or renovating a bathroom? Looking forinspiration? The Twyford collection brochure is full of solutionsand ideas for your new bathroom.Get inspiration and information by browsing through our latestproducts with enhanced and interactive content.This free application brings directly in your hands a specialedition, tailor-made for the tablets, of our print materials. Main Features:-      Tailor-made for the tablets to giveyou the best user experience-      Exclusive content: see all thematerial that could not fit into the print editions-      Enhanced editions: bigger pictures,videos and interactive content-      Always up to date: get notifiedwhen a new catalogue is published to be-      Offline reading: you do not need tobe connected to see our brochures and cataloguesThese days your bathroom says so much about you …and withTwyford you can really express your personal style. Whether you’relooking for the ‘wow’ factor or prefer a classic understatement,we’ve got lots of designs and ranges for you to choose from. Plentyto suit every taste and budget, every size and shape of bathroomand all of your specific needs and wants. Plus lots of cleverinnovations and smart features, and all with the Twyford guaranteeof quality.
Keramag Bad-Journal 1.0.1
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Sie möchten ein Bad einrichten oder planendieRenovierung Ihres Bades? In der Keramag Bad-Journal App findenSieumfangreiche Anregungen für die Realisierung IhrespersönlichenTraumbades.Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und blättern Sie durchunsereerweiterten und interaktiven Inhalte.Die kostenlose App bietet Ihnen eine Sonderausgabe desKeramagBad-Journals, maßgeschneidert für Tablets.Was bietet die Keramag Bad-Journal App:- Exklusive Inhalte: zusätzliche Informationen, die nicht inderPrint-Ausgabe zu finden sind, wie z.B. Videos undinteraktiveInhalte- Immer auf dem Laufenden: Sie werden benachrichtigt, wenn eineneueVersion der Keramag Bad-Journal App verfügbar ist- Offline-Lesen: Auch ohne Internetverbindung immer undüberallgriffbereit.Ob Bad- oder Gäste-WC-Serie, Badmöbel,generationenübergreifendeKonzepte oder Spezialentwicklungen fürSanitärräume – Produkte vonKeramag erfüllen höchste Anforderungenan Design, Komfort,Funktionalität und individuelleGestaltungsvielfalt. Sie überzeugenin privaten Bädern ebenso wie imObjektbereich. Denn die enormeInnovationskraft der Marke und dieErfahrung von über 110 Jahrenzeigen sich immer wieder inEntwicklungen, die neue Standardsdefinieren und das Leben leichtermachen.Keramag ist ein führender deutscher HerstellerhochwertigerSanitärkeramik und engagiert sich dauerhaft fürZukunftskonzepte,die bleibende Werte schaffen.Sie ein möchtenBadeinrichten oder die Renovierung planen Ihres Bades? In derKeramagBad-Journal App finden Sie für die umfangreicheAnregungenRealisierung Ihres persönlichen Traumbades.Lassen Sie sich und Blättern inspirieren Sie durch undunsereerweiterten with the interactive Inhalte.Die kostenlose App bietet Ihnen eine Sonderausgabe desKeramagBad-Journals, maßgeschneidert für Tablets.You bietet die Keramag Bad-Journal App:- Exklusive Inhalt: zusätzliche Informationen, die nicht inderPrint-Ausgabe zu finden sind knows z.B. Videos undinteraktiveInhalte- Immer auf dem Laufenden: Aug benachrichtigt werden, wenn eineneueVersion der Keramag Bad-Journal ist verfügbar App- Online-Lesen Auch ohne und immer Internetverbindungüberallgriffbereit.Bad- oder ob Gäste-WC-Series, Badmöbel,generationenübergreifendeKonzepte für oder SpezialentwicklungenSanitärräume - Produkte vonKeramag erfüllen Anforderungen anhöchste Design, Comfort,Funktionalität und individuelleGestaltungsvielfalt. Aug überzeugenin privaten baderna ebenso knowthem Objektbereich. Denn die enormeInnovationskraft der Marke unddie Erfahrung von über 110 Jahrenzeigen sich immer wieder inEntwicklungen, die neue Standardsdefinieren und machen das Lebenleichter.Keramag ist ein Hersteller führender deutscherhochwertigerSanitärkeramik engagiert und für sich dauerhaftZukunftskonzepte,die bleibende Werte schaffen.
Porsgrund 1.1.1
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
The Porsgrund Bad application providesyouquick access to our collections of bathroom furniture,WCs,washbasins, showers, bathtubs and more.Main Features:• Quick access to product information• Product pictures• Installation instructions• Technical product sheets• Installation videos• Pricelists and Catalogues• Retailer locator
Sphinx 1.0.3
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Een nieuwe badkamer of badkamerrenovatie?Alleen van plan wat kleine aanpassingen te doen en op zoek naarinspiratie?Het Badkamerboek van Sphinx staat vol met praktische oplossingenvoor uw nieuwe badkamer.Met deze gratis app krijgt u het nieuwste Badkamerboek van Sphinxin een speciale editie rechtstreeks op uw tablet.Krijg inspiratie en blader door onze nieuwe interactievecatalogus.Belangrijkste kenmerken:-Optimaal gebruiksgemak: speciaal gemaakt voor tablet-Grotere foto's en interactieve inhoud-Offline lezen: u hoeft niet online te zijn om het SphinxBadkamerboek te bekijken-Blijf altijd up to date: ontvang een melding als een nieuwecatalogus is gepubliceerdSphinx biedt ruime keus uit verschillende badkamerconcepten,waarbinnen alle elementen op elkaar zijn afgestemd. Soms zijn deverschillen groot, dan weer zeer subtiel. Zo vindt iedereen bijSphinx het badkamerdomein dat precies past.A new bathroom orbathroom renovation? Only plan what to do minor adjustments andlooking for inspiration?The Bathroom Book of Sphinx is filled with practical solutions foryour new bathroom.With this free app you get the latest Bathroom Book of Sphinx in aspecial issue directly on your tablet.Get inspiration and browse through our new interactivecatalog. Key Features:-Optimaal Ease: created specifically for tablet-Increased Photos and interactive content-Offline Read: you do not have to be the Sphinx Bathroom Bookonline viewing-Stay Always up to date: Receive a notification when a new catalogis published Sphinx offers wide choice of different room concepts, which allelements are aligned. Sometimes the differences are large,sometimes very subtly. How to find everyone at the Sphinx bathroomdomain that fits exactly.
IDO 1.0.2
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
The IDO application provides you quickaccessto our collections of bathroom furniture, WCs, washbasins,showers,bathtubs and more. IDO is a market leading brand that hasbeen astaple in Nordic bathrooms for the last decades.Main Features:• Quick access to product information• Product pictures• Installation instructions• Technical product sheets• Installation videos• Pricelists and Catalogues• Retailer locatorEspecially designed for plumbers and installers, the IDO appisavailable in Swedish and Finnish.
Geberit Pro 4.8.0
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Geberit Pro - the app for sanitary pros.
Geberit Home 2.1.0
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
The Geberit Home App supports users with their Geberit products.Forexample, the app shows when a filter replacement is required orwhenthe firmware needs to be updated. Basic settings such as thesprayintensity of the Geberit AquaClean shower toilet can beadjusteddirectly via the app. The app also includes helpful tipsand tricksfor using Geberit products. From April 2021, the GeberitHome Appwill replace the Geberit AquaClean App. The full range offunctionsof the Geberit AquaClean App has been integrated into theGeberitHome App. All app functions are free of charge. COMPATIBLEGEBERITPRODUCTS: - Geberit AquaClean (Mera, Sela from 2019, Tumaand Cama)- Geberit DuoFresh odour extraction module - Geberit ONEmirrorcabinet BENEFITS OF THE GEBERIT HOME APP: - Make basicsettings inGeberit products - Carry out maintenance work (e.g.descaling) -Carry out firmware updates - Call up deviceinformation (e.g. serialor article number) FURTHER ADVANTAGES FORGEBERIT AQUACLEAN: -Operate the shower toilet via smartphone(remote control function) -Make and save personal settings in thedevice (e.g. shower sprayintensity) - Access information onmaintenance and care (e.g. bycarrying out firmware updates) -Carry out maintenance work (e.g.interactive descaling) - Watchhelpful functionality videos (e.g.step-by-step descalinginstructions) - Access useful Geberit serviceand contactinformation
Geberit AquaClean 1.8.0
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
The Geberit AquaClean App makes it easy and straightforward foryouto operate the AquaClean Mera, Tuma & Sela (2019)showertoilets. Alongside a remote control function, the app alsofeaturesa number of other diverse setting options. These includetheability to take your personal settings with you on your travelsforuse with other AquaClean products such as those found in hotels.Itis even possible to use the app to keep the shower toilets uptodate – including when it comes to improving energy managementandwater consumption. And these are just some of the manyfunctionsmade possible by the app!
Geberit GIN 2023.2.43176242
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Find out all kinds of interesting things about the Geberit Group
Geberit SetApp 3.4.0
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Geberit SetApp – the app for sanitary pros.
Geberit Control 1.3.0
Geberit Verwaltungs AG
Geberit Control - the app for sanitary pros